News and previous releases about OPTIMIZER

April 2007 OPTIMIZER paper is now available at Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access. Puigbň P., Guzmán E., Romeu A. and Garcia-Vallvé S. OPTIMIZER: A web server for optimizing the codon usage of DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Research. 2007. doi:10.1093/nar/gkm219 .
April 2007 OPTIMIZER includes the possibility of invert the reference table in the last optimization step to obtain a less optimized sequence.
March 2007 OPTIMIZER allows now standard DNA ambiguities:

G,AC,TA,CG,TG,CA,Tnot Anot Cnot Gnot TA,C,T,G
January 2007 OPTIMIZER includes the correpondense analysis plots of genomes under strong translational selection availables.
November 2006 OPTIMIZER includes new genomes and allows now the optimization of 153 genomes under strong translational selection.
July 2006 OPTIMIZER includes a new reference table to optimize a sequence. This new reference table corresponds to tRNA gene copy numbers (tGCN).
February 2006 OPTIMIZER includes new genomes and allows now the optimization of 116 genomes under strong translational selection.
October 2005 OPTIMIZER includes a new reference table to optimize a sequence. This new reference table is the Codon Usage of the predicted Highly Expressed Genes in Genomes under a strong Translational Selection.
July 2005 Initial version of optimizer that includes 59 genomes under translational selection. Three methods of optimization are available: the 'one amino acid - one codon' approach, a random approach or an intermediate one. The codon usage reference table can be introduced by the user or selected one pre-calculated by OPTIMIZER. Reference tables defined by OPTIMIZER corresponds to the Codon Usage in the ribosomal protein genes. Several options, such as avoiding specific restriction sites and several outputs, are also available.